Financial 十大赌博正规老平台 公司 Lays Foundation for End-to-End Infrastructure Management Using Entuity


A major European financial services company first used Entuity to reduce operating expenses and improve productivity by auditing and rationalizing disparate network environments following a merger. 企业的综合业绩, 故障和库存管理, reporting capabilities and extensibility continue to help them ensure their network is optimally deployed and efficiently performing at minimal cost to the corporation.


  • 公司规模:800万客户
  • 支持国家:联合王国
  • 网络管理软件:企业网络管理

有效管理其网络是任何组织的关键, 但是当最近发生合并或收购时, 就像欧洲一家大型金融十大赌博正规老平台公司的情况一样, 它变成了一个更大的问题. Previously independent networks need to integrate successfully in order to allow the IT infrastructure to work efficiently and support the business function.

In this case, the company formed after the merger of two major UK-based service companies. 它现在提供一系列完整的金融产品, 从网上和高街银行到信用卡和保险. 该公司有10多个,000名员工分布在8个大型办事处和99个银行分支机构, 再加上保险部门的25个偏远地点. 这两家公司之前由两个独立的网络运营, 但是由于合并, 它们已合而为一.

新的单一网络现在处理应用程序, 包括财务管理工具, 银行和保险部门的呼叫中心, 所有的软件和安全为公司的网上银行, 大型机应用程序. 除了运行越来越多的系统之外, 基础设施必须支持更多的办公室和员工. 结果是, it was decided that network management software was required to assist with monitoring of traffic, 跟踪设备并快速识别故障.

选择要部署的软件, the company identified its requirements internally and used these to carry out a paper evaluation on six of the leaders in the network management industry, 正如分析机构Gartner和Forrester所指出的那样. This produced a shortlist of two products, which were put into a proof-of-concept trial. Entuity’s network management software most closely matched the laid out criteria and proved to be the obvious choice.

A manager of network projects at the company said: “It was important to [us] that the majority of functionality would be available ‘out of the box’. 这就是Entuity的情况, which meant that we were able to begin to use it almost as soon as it had been installed. We also needed it to support the Cisco and token ring network we run, which it did. 事实上, 因为它是产品中性的, Entuity has been completely successful in integrating with and monitoring all the devices on our network.”

该公司在英国拥有130多家门店, 导致一个非常复杂的IT基础设施. Entuity is well suited to deployments that are spread over a number of different geographical locations and, 通过它的发现和报告工具, 它提供了一个完整的, detailed topology of its network and the relationships between the devices on it. Its reporting function can also be used to support any service level agreement audits.

Entuity的发现功能是自动的, meaning it will look at the network at regular intervals and identify which devices are connected and how efficiently they are working. 一旦安装了Entuity,自动发现就会发生. How often it takes place after that time can be determined by the network manager.

传统上, recording the devices on a network would involve somebody having to manually check all the connections over a number of different sites. 同时也是一项极其耗时的任务, this leaves the audit open to human error and has the potential to become out of date almost instantly should a connection be unplugged somewhere or new devices installed. Entuity eliminates this and also opens up the opportunity to make considerable savings. 网络项目经理评论道, “看了库存报告之后, 我们注意到大约5%的端口是空闲的. 虽然它们是连接在一起的,但实际上它们并没有被使用. 知道这一点意味着我们不需要出去买更多的设备, 我们会怎么做, 难道我们没有Entuity吗. 这直接节省了大量的成本.”

最小化停机时间是一个关键要求. With its large number of employees and the wide geographical location over which they are spread, it is vital that the IT team has a tool that supports its ability to identify a fault before a user reports it. 通过它的自动发现功能, Entuity enables companies to be proactive with its fault management by finding and fixing any problems before they affect the user. 这减少了计算机脱机的时间长度, which protects revenues and ultimately provides the company with a much higher quality of service.

Entuity also has a root cause analysis function which can be used together with the fault management tool to identify where the problem originated. 通过查看网络拓扑和故障本身, 企业可以帮助找到并解决问题. Previously this would have been a time- consuming task requiring the network manager to locate the cause and fix it himself, 但Entuity通过自动操作消除了这种需要.

The services company also uses Entuity’s reporting facility for trending and capacity planning so that it knows when the network is about to reach full capacity before it gets to that stage. 这种情况每年至少会发生一到两次, or if an application is added that requires a particularly large amount of bandwidth. 通过在事情发生之前获得这些信息, They are able to reallocate resources or remove devices that are no longer being used.

“It is vital that our network is running to the best of its availability at all times. 企业合作使我们能够有效地利用能力, 以及在它们产生任何重大影响之前识别故障.”

在未来, the company has plans to integrate Entuity with its existing service management framework, 作为“经理中的经理”倡议的一部分. It is also planning to use Entuity to monitor backplane integration on its key devices.
The network projects manager is confident that they will soon begin to see a return on their investment. 他说, “The deployment of Entuity has definitely been beneficial [to us] by enabling us to make the most of our network. (我们)依靠IT基础设施来保持竞争力, 因此,任何长度的停机时间都可能产生重大影响.
It is vital that our network is running to the best of its availability at all times. 企业合作使我们能够有效地利用能力, 以及在它们产生任何重大影响之前识别故障.”

In choosing Entuity as their network management solution, the company considered many factors.


  • 80%的功能“开箱即用”
  • 与当前系统管理平台的互操作性
  • 可伸缩和可扩展的业务扩展
  • 基于标准,e.g., ip, snmp, mon, cops
  • 直观的、基于web的用户界面
  • 合适的目的,我.e.,满足已定义的需求
  • 适合以许多地理位置为特征的部署


  • 网络故障检测与自动根本原因分析
  • 自动拓扑发现和可视化
  • 十大赌博正规老平台水平报告(SLR)
  • 自动可用性和性能异常警报
  • 业务影响分析和网络故障和降级的优先级

“The deployment of Entuity has definitely been beneficial [to us] by enabling us to make the most of our network. (我们)依靠IT基础设施来保持竞争力, 因此,任何长度的停机时间都可能产生重大影响. It was important to [us] that the majority of functionality would be available ‘out of the box’. 这就是Entuity的情况, which meant that we were able to begin to use it almost as soon as it had been installed.”

拥抱数字化世界观, Entuity为不断变化的企业提供数字网络分析. 我们的高度自动化, 统一, 企业级解决方案将深入的网络洞察置于您的指尖, 使IT人员能够专注于战略项目, 并且很容易与主流框架环境集成. Entuity’s support and services teams are frequently praised for their rapid response, 网络专业知识和参与特殊活动.