什么是超融合基础设施(HCI)? -收益和用例


帕克 发布日期:2022年8月8日

The availability of 云 computing has encouraged many organizations to move at least some of their processes to the 云, 但许多数据中心仍然至少保留了一些物理足迹. More businesses are finding that the 云 doesn’t solve their needs in the way they hoped it would and are migrating back (at least in part) to a physical data center (recall the outsourcing trend in the early 2000’s?).

对于所有这些例子, 超融合基础设施(HCI)提供了一些显著的运营优势, 但什么是HCI? 超融合基础设施设备为像您这样的组织提供了什么好处? 这篇文章将探讨你需要了解的HCI.

在我们讨论HCI或其用例的好处之前, 让我们首先定义一下超融合基础设施解决方案的含义.


超融合基础设施(HCI)带来了 云运营经验 到本地或集群设备. Compute, network, and 存储 systems are put into a 1U or 2U pizza box with CPU, 内存, and disk. 设备上安装了一个操作堆栈,由以下组件组成 虚拟机监控程序(s), 软件定义存储, and management/orchestration layers in order to deliver the 云 experience with self-contained appliances rather than relying on a third party.


我们刚才提到的那些模块化模块用于替换老化和不灵活的遗留十大赌博正规老平台器, 数组, 还有其他设备. 简而言之,HCI提供了一个现代化的操作环境,能够:

  • 快速交付基础设施 & 业务应用
  • 使资讯科技采办模式现代化及精简
  • deliver a 云 experience on-prem, in a hybrid model (interfacing with most public 云 providers)
  • 更好地利用IT资产

结果? 敏捷性、灵活性、可伸缩性和改进的成本效率.

既然我们已经探索了什么是HCI, 让我们来看看它能带来的一些最重要的好处.


调整你的 数据中心基础设施 是一项重大任务,因此采用HCI系统必须是合理的. Consider these six benefits of using hyperconverged infrastructure appliances in your data center or server room.

1. 你的设计需求被简化了

One of the most significant benefits of hyperconverged infrastructure is the ability to simplify your data center designs. 这是消除前云数据中心结构固有的刚性的极好方法, 它们依赖于单独的存储筒仓, 十大赌博正规老平台器层, 和网络. It also does away with the need for IT to spend weeks or months provisioning new infrastructure and ensures that IT services are available at a moment’s notice.

与人机交互, the contained hardware and software are put on a single lifecycle so you’re not working with disparate support dates from separate server, 存储和网络提供商. The time and expense required to manage information and deliver applications are radically simplified.

2. 它与云集成

HCI is built onto a commodity hardware stack using either commercial or Open Source software stacks – such as VMWare (with VSAN), 开放的堆栈, 例如XCP-ng. The immediate benefit here is delivering IT resources now takes minutes as opposed to months in a traditional 3-tier model, 另外 构建混合云 扩展IT资源比以往任何时候都简单. More and more organizations are finding the benefits of hybrid 云s that allow them to keep sensitive information in-house while providing 云-based connectivity for clients, 技术人员, 和其他人.

3. 可伸缩性

可伸缩性是所有数据中心的关键考虑因素. 然而,这通常很难实现,特别是在传统的三层环境中. 与人机交互, 组织可以将其系统整合到HCI集群中,然后根据需要进行扩展. 这是一个好消息,原因有很多, but particularly for organizations that want to start small and then grow as they become more confident and comfortable with hyperconverged infrastructure.

4. 减少物理占用

Because hyperconverged infrastructure allows you to combine multiple legacy systems into a single amalgamation, 减少数据中心的物理占用成为可能. 这对那些正在考虑的组织来说可能是个好消息 数据中心搬迁,但这也意味着你可以腾出空间来满足其他需求. 消除不必要的硬件还可以降低运营成本(OPEX)。, 减少硬件维护, 而且由于运营模式的效率,软件许可的减少也经常发生.

5. 减少对内部IT团队的需求

对于遗留系统,您需要在内部团队中拥有深厚的IT专业知识. 然而,超融合基础设施可以让您绕过这个问题.


这是因为你不再需要那么多专家. 雇佣技术通才成为可能, 或者甚至将您的维护和管理需求完全外包.

6. 改进的灾难恢复能力

From hardware failure to rolling blackouts, organizations must be prepared for the unexpected today. 灾难恢复从来不是一件简单的事情, 然而,HCI的架构可以承受一个完整的站点故障! 传统的三层架构非常复杂,难以构建全面的弹性, however using a software defined approach afforded by modern HCI this exercise becomes trivial so long as the underlying resources are adequate.


讨论了HCI的好处, 现在是时候把我们的注意力转向如何在现实世界中使用这项技术了. 超融合基础设施最引人注目的用例是什么?

1. 最大限度地利用资源

获取资源是一个重要的考虑因素, 但是在遗留系统中, 存储, 内存, 处理能力可能会被迅速地、不可预测地消耗掉. 与人机交互, 以线性方式增加系统可靠性和资源可用性成为可能. Organizations can also use HCI to ensure they’re utilizing their resources fully with a considerable degree of flexibility.

2. 十大赌博正规老平台可靠性

IT transforms to a service provider to the business as the ability to continuously and reliably deliver services to their 客户 (business units within the organization) is essential. HCI帮助IT实现这一目标. 使用软件定义的环境, organizations can build redundancy and reliability into the infrastructure for a fraction of the investment of traditional 3-tier. 资源利用变得可预测和线性, and the ability to grow the underlying resources in the most cost-efficient manner adds additional stability to the business.

3. 应对不断变化的需求

Service-based organizations deal with changing demands and varying bandwidth requirements throughout the year. 由于超融合基础设施的可扩展性, these fluctuating needs can be met with little to no change in the physical data center configuration.


进一步, not having to introduce new equipment or human capital to the mix during high-demand periods can really help streamline operations and keep both OPEX and CAPEX to a minimum.

4. 减少设备需求

HCI将多个方面组合到单个软件定义的包中. One upshot of this is the ability to make solutions developed for clients lighter and more flexible, 不降低他们的能力. 例如, defense industry manufacturers are using HCI to reduce the weight and size of solutions developed for the military, 不影响功能.

5. 不会过时的,它

快速变化已成为常态, 不仅仅是在IT行业, 但对于世界上所有的行业来说. HCI solutions provide a way to protect against fragmentation related to rapid-scale changes by transitioning essential software to HCI, 例如人力资源信息系统, 以及ERP(企业资源规划)软件.


所有的数据中心基础设施最终都会达到它的目标 终止使用寿命(EOSL)日期. 这也适用于超融合系统. So how can you maintain your system after that point without access to the original equipment manufacturer (OEM)? 答案可以在与合适的技术支持合作伙伴的合作中找到.

例如,在Park Place Technologies,我们提供 IT基础设施管理十大赌博正规老平台 使我们能够以与OEM相同的方式支持和监控HCI解决方案. We can provide both the hardware and hypervisor break-fix solutions your HCI requires for several years after the hardware and firmware has been deemed EOSL by the manufacturer. 因此,无论您的HCI发生了什么,我们都是您需要的全栈十大赌博正规老平台提供商!

事实上,我们最近得到了一个与HCI相关的机会 使用寿命结束VBlock-使用EMC存储、Cisco UCS刀片十大赌博正规老平台器和Cisco网络套件的融合解决方案. Though we had been supporting the hardware component of the customer’s environment for years, by 支持VMware hypervisor 运行在我们覆盖范围内的每个UCS刀片十大赌博正规老平台器上, 我们现在为他们的整个HCI解决方案提供全面的管理和维护.


必须在云和内部部署环境之间做出选择的日子已经一去不复返了. And while there are many benefits to maintaining a hybrid infrastructure with a hyperconverged appliance, without a skilled support partner possessing the expertise to handle all components of your HCI solution, 您正在为失败设置虚拟环境.

Park Place Technologies提供的ParkView托管十大赌博正规老平台, 我们为您的机构提供所需的工具和专业知识, 云, 当然还有虚拟技术. Our 7×24 Enterprise Operations Center (EOC) engineers support all major enterprise operating systems and virtual platforms, 包括 微软, Linux和VMware,为您提供事件管理, 补丁管理和修复 用于HCI集群. 这意味着我们可以监控和支持您的整个超融合基础设施解决方案, from the hardware to the hypervisor—quite similar to how the OEM would but at a fraction of the cost!

Interested in learning more about 侨福管理十大赌博正规老平台 and how it could benefit your organization’s hyperconverged infrastructure? 今天十大赌博平台排行榜,讨论您的HCI保修期后的支持需求!

